31 Days of Blogging

I have two main goals for 2020. One is to give my 30-year-old house a face lift. The other is to resist the desire to stay in the shadows and “just write.”  Therefore, I am marching forth into the other arena of the Writer’s World, so necessary to success. I first joined in a challenge to “Blog for 31 Days” in March and May of this year, and have been doing so again for each month with 31 days. I hope you will join me on that journey. Here’s the weekly schedule for October:

Sundays—”S’s in Order” [a study of I Peter 5:10]
Mondays—Maintenance [keeping up with necessary facets of life]
Tuesdays—Tales [original stories]
Wednesdays—Writing [a history of my novel series]
Thursdays—Thinking Back [personal & historical events]
Fridays—Fractures [how to heal from life’s injuries]
Saturdays—Slogans [true sayings and how to live by them]